Rock music and politics in Poland: The poetics of protest and resistance in the lyrics of rock songs
rock music, alternative music, Poland, transformationAbstract
The Polish rock and punk scene has served for decades as a medium for the expression of anti-establishment values. In the 1980s, during the dark days of martial law, groups such as Manaam, Perfect, TSA, and Brygada Kryzys variously mocked and satirised the communist authorities. Kryzys stopped playing in 1983 rather than work under the conditions of martial law, but was resurrected in 1990. Since the “big bang” of 1989, both the groups dominating the establishment and the nature of rock opposition have changed. Instead of communism, it is capitalism which is now seen by some rock and especially punk bands as “the enemy”. The Polish music scene has witnessed a variety of perspectives. They all reflect the dilemmas of modern Polish society with its inequalities, identity threats and polarisation.
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