In the face of death and against death. Tactics of resistance used  by female medical doctors and nurses in the Warsaw Ghetto


  • Natalia Judzińska Autor



sex, Warsaw ghetto, civil resistance, destruction


The strategy of resistance to the occupier is primarily associated with armed resistance, fighting or an attacker. Culturally, resistance is assigned to men as those who can oppose other men with the help of a power supply. In accordance with Nazi policy in the early 1940s, European Jews were isolated from the rest of society and condemned to extermination. Nevertheless, in many closed Jewish districts, until the very end there was a fight beyond one's own life, as well as an attempt to keep other people alive. I identify these efforts as an application of separation of powers plans as resistance. The article contains ten attempts to apply actions that are not possible as a result of the use of weapons, and which, despite meeting the criteria of resistance - in this case civilian - are not identified as resistance.


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How to Cite

In the face of death and against death. Tactics of resistance used  by female medical doctors and nurses in the Warsaw Ghetto. (2016). Civitas Hominibus, 11, 105-114.

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