The communication between staff and children as a process in building and maintaining relationships in the family foster home




communications, relationships, substitute care, family foster home


 The paper presents, in a descriptive way, the problem of communication between staff and children as a process of building and maintaining relationships in the family foster home. The author highlights the importance of communicating in the family foster home and presents the results of narrative interviews. The approach of a married couple, who took care of several children who were taken away from their parents on the orders of a court, is interesting. The paper describes the communication between the staff and the children from the family foster home, the problems they encountered and how they dealt with the problems. The results of the biographic studies are divided into a few subtopics and include, among other things, the types and methods of communication between the staff and children as well as rules of communication in the family foster home.

Author Biography

  • Agnieszka Deja, University of Gdansk

     Agnieszka Deja, MA, Second-year PhD student of pedagogy, Social Sciences Faculty, University of Gdańsk. Bachelor: pedagogical care and pedagogy with pedagogical therapy. Masters: social pedagogy. Interests: substitute care, family forms of foster care, family foster home, symbolic interactionism.


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How to Cite

The communication between staff and children as a process in building and maintaining relationships in the family foster home. (2018). Kultura I Wychowanie, 2/14, 91-102.