Work as a value and tool
work, values, tools, self-fulfillment, employmentAbstract
A study conducted on 155 individuals over the age of 16 examined attitudes towards work in the context of age and professional experience. The results showed differences in perceptions of work as a value, a means of livelihood, a social duty, a source of joy, an aspect of self-actualization, a source of social status, a form of escape from family, a family value, the importance of fame and prestige, the role of money, and the significance of development. Younger individuals (under 30 years of age) treated work as a value in itself, a source of joy, an aspect of self-actualization, and a means of forming relationships, not considering it a social duty. Those aged 30–50 had varied views on work, recognizing it as a primary source of livelihood but less so as a source of joy. Individuals over 50 often viewed work neutrally or negatively, and also less frequently as a source of joy or self-actualization. Regardless of age, family was valued, money was considered important, while fame and prestige were less significant. Development was recognized as an important value by most respondents. The study provides insight into how work is perceived by different age groups, which has implications for social policy and employers.
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