E-marketing strategies as illustrated by the case of the BlaBlaCar company


  • Bartłomiej Bąk Author
  • Tomasz Zalega University of Warsaw Author




e-marketing, consumer, social media, collaborative consumption, carpooling


Many market entities would like to distinguish themselves from their competitors by achieving competitive advantages in different aspects of their business. The adoption of e-marketing certainly offers such advantages, if it is well understood and properly implemented. To ensure effective implementation of e-marketing, the company must look at its activities from a wider perspective. Its strategy, the operations of the sales department and online and offline marketing must be put together. The purpose of the article is to present new marketing concepts and tools available to companies that wish to use the Internet as their advertising medium. In the first part of the article, the notion and nature of Internet marketing are explained and then the most important, classical tools of it are concisely presented. In the second part, e-marketing activities of the company BlaBlaCar are analysed. The article ends with a summation of the discussion and major conclusions.

Author Biographies

  • Bartłomiej Bąk

    Bartłomiej Bąk, M.A., marketing specialist at BlaBlaCar Polska.


  • Tomasz Zalega, University of Warsaw

    Prof. extraordinary Ph.D., Department of National Economy, Faculty of Management.


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How to Cite

E-marketing strategies as illustrated by the case of the BlaBlaCar company. (2016). Innovative Management in Economy and Business, 1/22, 93-111. https://doi.org/10.25312/2391-5129.22/2016_93-111

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