Regulation and accreditation as quality improvement tools in higher education in the context of the experience U.S.


  • Dominik Sypniewski Technical University of Warsaw Author



higher education, regulation, accreditation, quality of education, higher education in the United States


There has been a discussion in Poland about improving quality of higher education for several years. Amendments increased the regulatory powers of the Minister of Science and Higher Education and introduced Polish Accreditation Committee – an independent body whose task is to assess the quality of higher education. The paper presents the experience of higher education in the United States, which shows that key factors in improving the quality of higher education are: wide autonomy of universities and independent accreditation system aimed at providing not only quality, but also its improvement. Accreditation system analysis has been carried out on the example of law schools accreditation granted by the American Bar Association.

Author Biography

  • Dominik Sypniewski, Technical University of Warsaw

    Dr, adiunkt na Wydziale Administracji i Nauk Społecznych Politechniki Warszawskiej. Prorektor w Konsorcjum Uczelni FUTURUS.


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How to Cite

Regulation and accreditation as quality improvement tools in higher education in the context of the experience U.S. (2013). Innovative Management in Economy and Business, 1/14, 107-118.

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